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I help Job Seekers and Career Changers Prepare for Life's Next Steps
What if . . .

· You continue on your current path? 

· You want  to change careers?

· You need  to change careers?


How will you navigate life’s . . .

· Speed bumps when things slow you down

· Detours when you need to change direction

· Roadblocks when you need to reevaluate everything​


Job Search

Improve your

search strategy



Ready for a new career?




Want to chart

your own path?

Personal Compass

A new direction?

Your Next Step?

Job Search

Improve your job search strategy in just five weeks

We'll do a thorough review of your current activities, including your resume and  interviewing skills. Based on your employment goal I'll help you create an four week strategy that can significantly improve the effectiveness of your search and maximize the chance you will find employment as you continue to use your strategy.  The schedule will include an introductory 60 minute planning session followed by four weekly meetings of 30 - 45 minutes each. 

Career Discovery

Find what you really want

Career Discovery is for those who want a job and career that is better aligned with their values, strengths, and life goals.  This may include the job search strategy but goes much deeper and further.  You'll take a deep dive into where you are at the moment, look at what has brought you to this place, describe your ideal career future, and create a plan to move you forward. 

Career Discovery - Entrepreneur

Chart your own path

For those who want to move beyond the traditional path. Using the research of William Bridges as a framework, we'll look carefully at four areas of your life and career:  Your desires, the things that you want from life and are your deepest motivators. Your abilities, those things you do best. Your temperament, who you are at your core. Your assets, what makes you unique, your experiences, accomplishments, and resources. 

Personal Compass

Not sure what path to take?

A creative seven-step process to help you choose the direction you want for your career and your life.  You will bring your life path into clearer focus as you explore your past, envision your future, make bold choices to move forward… and then act. Personal Compass is a proven resource, trusted and used in higher education, businesses, and government agencies. 

To get started or ask questions

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P.O. Box 10691  |  Fayetteville, AR 72703

(206) 330.1167


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